Test Prepartions

Scholastic Aptitude Test or SAT is a standardized exam conducted by College Board a non-profit organization from the USA. Measuring the intellectual potential of the student by evaluating their performance in mathematical, writing and reading became possible through this test.

Who Can Apply:

No specific eligibility criteria is mentioned to attempt this test, students who seek to study abroad in destinations like US, UK, Canada, Australia etc., as a graduate student can try it to secure their place in technical schools. Plan to take this test in your senior year, to limit the wastage of time. Though there is no age limit if your age is below 13 years, you should register for this test by mail.

Registration Process:

You can register for this exam via online or postal mail. As mentioned above students below 13 years must register by mail. The fee amount differentiates between domestic and international students. And the additional fee is to be paid for language tests with listening and for other tests. The amount can be easily paid online through internationally accepted cards.

Test Details:

Students in US can take this test 7 times a year, whereas international students are given a chance of 6 times a year. To gain a better score you can take this exam at any time of the year by paying the required fee.Try to plan that no two exams come on the same day, for example sometimes SAT Reasoning Test and Subjects Test can be held on the same date. You have the facility to select your preferred center to take the exam.After exam your score report is either sent to your school or mail in a time gap of 5 weeks.

Syllabus and Pattern:
Subject Duration Subsection Questions Score Range
Math 80 minutes Calculator allowed for 37 questions Calculator not allowed for 20 questions • Problem-solving and data analysis
• The Heart of Algebra
• Passport to advanced Math
Reading 65 minutes Total 52 questions • No Sentence Completion
• Tests understanding of passages from the US and world Literature,History/social studies and sciences(500-750 words)
200-800(combined with Reading section)
Writing and Language 35 minutes Total 44 questions • Tests Expression of ideas and standard English Conventions through passages realted to careers,History/Social Studies,Humanities and Science
• All questions from extended prosw(400-450 words)
200-800(combined with Reading section)
Eassy(optional) 50 minutes One 50 minutes optional essay This section requires students to evaluate an argument through analysis of evidence not-scored
Total 3 hours(with optional 50 minutes) 154 questions -- 1600




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